Wednesday, September 19, 2012


The eyes,
They stare, into the soul
Looking, watching,
Waiting for the stories never told
You can’t hide from them
They are always there
You can look back, you can stare
You can wonder what lies beyond
They hold their own secrets
Maybe of things long gone
But as it may seem
They’re just beyond our reach
Oh but the wonder they could teach
For now we can only look back from afar
Stuck in this staring contest with a star

P.S. if anyone wants to help me with titles, thanks!


How's it going!
My name is Brandon McCoy, I am a biology student at the University of Washington in Seattle. Although I don't really consider my self a poet, I do enjoy attempting to write poetry. This blog is going to be me posting the poetry I write. Most of it probably won't be the great, but some might be good. I am going to try and write at least one poem everyday. Let me know what you think!

Thanks guys!
Here goes nothing...